
Mixed Competition

Thursday evenings with games commencing from 6.15pm 

Ladies Competition

Monday and Wednesday evenings with games commencing from 6.15pm

Junior Competition

Come along and join our Junior Netball program, both individual and team registrations are welcome.  

Games are played Saturdays morning commencing from 8:00 am. Eligibility to play in respective age groups is determined on the basis that the player must be under the prescribed age on 1st January in the year that they wish to participate.

For example, a player wishing to play in the under 10 competition must not be 10 years or over prior to the 1st January of the year in which they wish to play.

Ladies Netball

Ladies Netball

Monday and Wednesday evenings with games commencing from 6.15pm

Mixed Netball

Thursday evenings with games commencing from 6.15pm 

Pivot Netball

More information to follow about our upcoming Pivot Netball program.

Led by our experienced coaches, Pivot Netball focuses on fostering a love for netball and cultivating essential skills. Through engaging activities and tailored exercises, your child will have the chance to enhance their coordination, agility, teamwork, and netball-specific techniques. We aim to create a supportive atmosphere where children can grow their skills at their own pace, with the primary focus on enjoyment and personal development.

Please fill out the below Expression of interest form and we will keep you up to date with more details about the upcoming program.

Expression of Interest