Facility Booking

Individual or groups of individuals

  • Court hire
  • Room/studio hire
  • Casual court use
  • The courts are available for casual basketball shooting for $5.80 per person per hour.

    Please call the Centre to check court availability below.

Schools, sporting clubs, organisations
We offer once off and regular bookings for schools, sporting clubs and other organisations.  

  • Stadium court hire
  • Room/studio hire
  • Multi zone hire

Stadium Courts

Casual Basketball Shooting

(Outside competition times)

The courts are available for casual basketball shooting for $6.00 per person per hour.

Court Hire

Our multi-court setup allows you to hire courts for an array of engaging experiences.

Whether you’re into popular team sports like netball, basketball, futsal, or seeking exciting programs like school holiday activities, sessions, birthday parties, or special events – we’ve got you covered.